Project Date

Alta La Jolla Drive Drainage Repair Project

Project Details

The Alta La Jolla Drive Drainage Repair Project involved an extensive slope stabilization and stream channel restoration in an urban canyon within the City of San Diego that included lands designated Multi-Habitat Planning Area (MHPA) under the City’s Multiple Species Conservation Program (MSCP).  Rocks Biological Consulting prepared the project biological technical report and project revegetation plan in support of the project California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) document. Both documents were processed with minimal City staff comments, and the project was approved unanimously by City Council. Rocks Bio also provided assistance with permit applications, including preparation of the project the ‘Compensatory Mitigation and Monitoring Plan’ to the US Army Corps of Engineers (ACOE), and California Department of Fish and Wildlife for project impacts to state wetlands and federal Waters of the US.

Services provided:

Environmental Document Preparation and Permitting


San Diego County

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